Sophia Madouvalou The Greedy Tortoise
picture book | 4+

The book | «Once upon a time, in a meadow bright with flowers, there lived a little tortoise who had a bosom friend - a charming hare so tall he reached up to the sky. One day, quite suddenly, the tortoise cried out, ‘This shell of mine is much too small for me. I’m off to look for something bigger to live in. How I envy those who live miles away in the big city!» A wonderfully enjoyable and at the same time wise little tale in verse about greed but also about the giſt s of simplicity and friendship.
The author | Sophia Madouvalou was born in Athens. Having studied Developmental Psychology, Educational Technology and Directing, she has worked in the service of television and the printed word for the past thirty-two years. She is the author of more than seventy books for children and in 2014 was chosen as the Greek candidate for the
international Hans Christian Andersen Prize. Her work has achieved distinction in Greece, Europe and the international community and been translated into English, Chinese and Korean, while extracts from it have been included in primary school anthologies and lists of recommended titles. References to her works have been made in academic articles on account of their innovative and individual style. She is also active in the field of prose and poetry for adults.
Included in the 2018 White Ravens list
Candidate for the 2015 Creek Children’s Book Prize, IBBY
Candidate for the Children’s Book Award from the magazine
Sophia Madouvalou tells her story in imaginative little verses […]. The greedy tortoise learns her lesson and acquires a fellow-traveller on the road of life.
Εleni Korovila,
ISBN: 978-960-219-997-8 • Price: 14,08€ • 21x29 cm. • Pages: 48