Εvi Papadopoulou Kymothoi’s Journey
picture book | 6+

with music by Nikos Xanthoulis
The book | An original fairy tale created to enlighten and bring back to life different aspects of the ancient Greek
civilization. Children and grown-ups get acquainted with the science of archaeology as they travel
through time with the sea nymph Kymothoi, discovering and unraveling well-hidden cities and secrets of the past.
The author | Evi Papadopoulou is an archaeologist and Lecturer in Prehistoric Archaeology at the School of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina. Since 1996 she has taken an active part in numerous excavations. She has worked at the 1st and 2nd Ephorates of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, at the Ministry of Culture and the
National Archaeological Museum. Her tales have the ultimate aim of making the science of archaeology more approachable and transmitting knowledge of ancient Greek civilization to the general public.

The composer | Nikos Xanthoulis is a composer, a scientific associate of the Academy of Athens and a professor and advisor at the Greek Open University. He served as leading trumpeter in the National Opera’s orchestra and was in charge of its educational programmes. He is currently artistic director of the Greek National Radio and Television’s musical ensembles. As a composer he has specialized in opera for children and music for the ancient Greek theatre.
The CD with compositions by Nikos Xanthoulis adds a unique dimension to a book which takes young and old on a journey through Greek civilization through the melodies of the seven-stringed lyre of ancient Greece, while Katerina Veroutsou’s illustrations depict this long-gone world with accuracy yet with a creative approach, thus opening pathways to both knowlege and to our imagination.
Pelio Papadia, talcmag.gr
ISBN: 978-960-5940-02-7 • Price: 15,09€ • 21x29 cm. • Pages: 48