A drop of beauty

A drop of beauty

The boastful rooster who wanted to rule the world

The boastful rooster who wanted to rule the world

Poems for children

Poems for children

 The dragon that knitted words

The dragon that knitted words

Myths of the Water


Myths of the Water

My Green School
My Green School
A Strange HeartA Strange Heart
The AcrobatsThe Acrobats
Bunny LadderBunny Ladder
An Imaginary Trip to Florence
An Imaginary Trip to Florence
An Imaginary Trip to London
An Imaginary Trip to London
The Garden of Asclepius
The Garden of Asclepius
A Nothing that Became Something
A nothing that became something
School for Super Heroes


School for super heroes

Mrs. Orthography and her Family


Christos Boulotis Mrs Orthography and her family

Roro the Kangaroo and the Withered Forest

Roro the Kangaroo and the Withered Forest

Where did the Books go?


Dimitra Photou Where did the books go?

A Smile and Two Beautiful Words

A Smile and Two Beautiful Words

Once Upon a Time there was a Cloud


Once upon a time there was a cloud

The Brave Knight and the Smiling Queen

Makis Tsitas The brave knight and the smiling queen

The Cage with Dreams


Evi Gerokosta The cage with dreams

The Land of Peculiar People

Νicolas Andrikopoulos The Land of Peculiar People

The Greedy Tortoise

Sophia Madouvalou The Greedy Tortoise

Teacher on Two Wheels

eacher on two wheels

Myths set to Music


Μaria Andricopoulou Myths set to music


The Lost Lifebelt

Dimitra Photou The lost lifebelt


Kymothoi's Journey

Εvi Papadopoulou Kimothoi’s Journey

The Tender Thorn

Eleni Priovolou The Tender Thorn

Waiting for the Rain

Marina Michailidou-Kadi Waiting for the rain

The Giant's Star

Marivita Grammatikaki Τhe Giant’s Star

The Heart of the King

Marivita Grammatikaki The heart of the king

The Island of Delights

Marivita Grammatikaki Τhe Island of Delights

The Clown and the Anemone

Eleni Priovolou The Clown and the Anemone

The Caterpillar

Eleni Priovolou The caterpillar

Musical Fairy-tales

Κaterina Tsitsa Μusical Fairy-Tales

The Cat Boom Boom and the Moon

Christos Boulotis The cat Boom Boom and the moon

The Blue Shell


Marivita Grammatikaki Τhe Blue Shell

Evita's Treasure

Εvi Tsitiridou-Christoforidou Evita’s Treasure

Araseli's Melodies

Eleni Gika Araseli’s Melodies

The Tale with Forgotten Words

Iphigenia Mastrogianni Τhe Tale with Forgotten Words

The Old Toys' Revolution

Christos Boulotis The Old Toys’ Revolution

The Travelling Picture

Eleni Gika The Travelling Picture

Melodenia's Town

Νana Kriekouki, Elsa Nakou Melodenia’s Town

The Magic Violin

Marivita Grammatikaki Τhe Magic Violin

Delf the Elf

Marivita Grammatikaki Delf the elf

What would I do if I were the Santa Claus?

Tatiana Zografou What would I do if I were the Santa Claus?

The Winterhouse

Dimitris Kassaris The Winterhouse

Which is the Christmas Planet?

Christos Boulotis Which is the Christmas Planet?

The Poet and the Seal of Freedom
Ioannis Kapodistrias, the First Governor, on the Island of Aegina

Delta like Dido


Delta like Dido

The Youngest Teacher


Evanthia Kairi – The youngest teacher

A Tale made of Marble

Lord Byron and Lord Elgin

Konstantinos Kanaris is My Name

Maria Andricopoulou Konstantinos Kanaris is my name

More Handsome than you

Kostas Charalas More handsome than you

The Crystal Island and the Pirates

Ersi Doxakopoulou-Douraki The crystal island and the pirates

The Magical Library of Iskabur

Maya Delivoria The magical library of Iskabur

Felossio and the Shadows


Εleni Priovolou Together

A Paper Embrace

Iphigenia Mastrogianni A Paper Embrace

The Prince with the Lilies

Iphigenia Mastrogianni The Prince with the Lilies

The Most Precious Dream

Iphigenia Mastrogianni: The Most Precious Dream


You can find books for children and Young adults in Kalendis Rights Cataloquepdf-icon

Founded in 1980, the publishing house KALENDIS has a vast publishing list in Greek and foreign literature, books for children and young people, as well as essays. Our catalogue houses classic and contemporary works by important Greek writers, such as Alkioni Papadaki, Eugene Trivizas, Iphigeneia Mastroyianni, Christos Boulotis, Eleni Priovolou, Sophia Madouvalou, Helen Gika, Manolis Pratikakis, Maria Xilouri, Apostles Benatsis, Kiki Tzortzakaki, Panos Koronakis, Achilleas Mandrikas, Michalis Kyriakidis, Efsrathia Valiatza, Roula Karakatsani, Marivita Grammatikaki, Nana Kriekouki, Evi Papadopoulou, Dimitris Kassaris, Katerina Tsitsa, Dimitra Fotou, Maria Andrikopoulou . Foreign writers include M. Waltari, Guy de Maupassant, P. Morgan, A. Döblin, J. Verne, R. Kipling, A. Dumas, M. Foucault, T. Steiner, Jean-Christophe Grangé, Metin Arditi, Maylisde Kerangal, David Khayat, Michel Serres, Frediano Sessi, Paul Morand, Richard Seaford, Ken Dowden, Guido Sgardoli, Christophe Galfard, Andre Neves, Lissa Price.

In 2012, the company moved to new premises in Helliniko (76 Vouliagmenis Avenue ), where, apart from the offices of the publishing house, there is also the possibility to organize various cultural events. With remarkable exhibitions, original book presentations, seminars, performances, etc., Kalendis Editions aspire to become a place familiar to all, a cozy haunt for knowledge, encounters, and fruitful communication. Moreover, our young friends have the opportunity to become acquainted with their favourite authors, attend plays, narratives and experiential events, aimed to entertain and awaken love for books.


Kelly Ioannidou-Kalendi, Marketing and Rights Manager

Address: 76 Vouliagmenis avenue, Helliniko 16 777, Athens Greece                     Mail: info@kalendis.gr

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